The first one is Miss Lily napping and the other one is when the whole family hang out on sofa watching TV. Done with Faber-Castell pen and Winsor & Newton watercolor in my family sketchbook.
This is about 10x10.5 inch watercolor done on 140lb Canson cold press. It is a part of this weekend drawing event on Wetcanvas. Monterey aquarium is an amazing place. I visited there once in 1994, while they had their renovation. Nowadays, it must be even more awesome. I hope to get to take my kids there down the road.
Well, I have been very busy lately for caring for my 2 month old baby. So I feel good that I got to do some sketching for the SketchCrawl. Even though our previous planned outing Crawl with Bangkok Sketchers group had to be canceled on that day due to Thai political protest in Bangkok, which later turned sadly chaos. I am glad I did these sketches from our local shopping mall near my home.
I am a computer science assistant professor who live and teach in Bangkok, Thailand. I love to do watercolor painting, reading, playing piano, cooking, and gardening.