I am not sure if anyone had done previous Sketchcrawl in Bangkok, Thailand before. At least I am the one who went solo here this time. The day started by I did some plein air sketching of the outside view of my neighborhood. Then I packed my sketching stuffs and getting in a cab for some down town adventure by Chraopraya River. The cab snaked through the neighborhood roads to one of the major pier on the west side of Bangkok, Pepsi pier. This pier is the place where all Pepsi products get distributed by giant ships to the northern part of the country. I wonder if Coke has the similar type pier but so far I heard of none. I sketched some parked Tuk Tuks at the pier entrance, then the pier. Then I hopped on the ferry to cross Chraopraya River but my art tote's strap malfunctioned and it was no longer fun to travel with both hands hauling the bag instead of carrying it. So I ended up sitting at the ferry pier of the otherside of the river to do some more sketching of the river leaping to downtown Bangkok. All in all it took about 2 hours of sketching. I had a lot of fun and thanks for looking at my results. This was my first SketchCrawl and I hope to join some more in the future.
I just join my art friend Diahn's Artober movement. I did not sketch for the past two days. I had to wake up at 4:00 am to work (help setting up the commencement ceremony at Univ. and work at the office afterward till late evening). That makes me hang over for two days.
Anyway, here are some more figure sketching I did today on my big sketch book as a warm up for this Sat. Oct 25 World-wide sketch crawl. Today sketches are from some super quick poses of my daughter playing in the bath tub. She does not stay still more than 10 seconds so it is a challenging thing but fun for me. I have trouble trying to get the proportion right.
In early October we took a three-day vacation to a seaside town called Hua Hin, only two hour drive from Bangkok. It is a much need relaxation as I foresee a lot of works in what supposed to be our two-week semester break. I was glad we can squeeze in this mini trip. We enjoyed McDonald and Gelato in Hua Hin town, before showing Iris how to play with sand and I jumped in the waves with her. Last year Iris refused to touch the sand but no problem this year. I got to run on the beach, which was in one of my wish list to do there. We had a good seafood dinner at Hua Hin night market, where an old lady weaving some coconut leaves up as a giant Mantis and show to Iris. The following day we explore more on the Khao Ta Kieb fishing village and the temple. We had another lunch by the beach observing the fisher men working with their boats. We were so glad that there were still school of fishes to see from the beach.
This is a watercolor ATC done from a reference photo of Wetcanvas RIL by mgthorvaldsen for an art exchange project on Wetcanvas. This one went to an artist friend in Norway
I just join my art friend Diahn's Artober movement. We supposed to paint/draw every day in October. I join a bit late but that shold not matter. So here are the first two parts, from Wetcanvas's Scavenger Hunt.
This is a watercolor ATC done on 140 lb Winsor&Newton cold-press paper. I do find this paper a bit grainy as compared to Arches. I done the card from a Ref. photo from www.public-domain-photos.com as a part of Wetcanvas art exchange project. I like to do exotic architectures but I do find drawing/painting with straight lines quite challenging for me. Fortunately, I am happy how this one comes out.
This is a watercolor ATC done from a public domain donated ref. image of kofler daniel of flickr.com. These are ethenic people who live in the Northern Thai mountains or connected border countries such as Burma, Lao, and China. They have superb craftmanship in silversmith, and making their own quilts or needle works. I am so happy that I am finally back to my first love of "watercolor". I'd been experimented a lot of small ATC/Postcard with new media lately.
I am a computer science assistant professor who live and teach in Bangkok, Thailand. I love to do watercolor painting, reading, playing piano, cooking, and gardening.